Partners & supporters
Our partners include:
Alternative Movement for Resources and Freedom Society (ARMF), Bangladesh
Better Work Programme, Lesotho
Coventry University Sustainable Flower Project
Fairtrade Foundation
Global Horticultural Workers and Environmental Rights Network (GHOWERN), East Africa
Homeworkers Worldwide (HWW) UK
Karmojibi Nari (KN), Bangladesh
Lesotho Clothing and Allied Workers Union (LECAWU)
MM Flowers UK
National Federation of Farm, Plantation, Fishery and Agro Industry Trade Unions of Ethiopia (NFFPFATU), Ethiopia
RINDRA, Women’s Workers Representatives, Madagascar
Rural Education and Development Foundation (RED), India
Social Awareness and Voluntary Education (SAVE), India
Tanzania Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (TPAWU), Tanzania
Workers Education Association (WEA), Uganda
Workers Rights Watch, Kenya
Our supporters include: